Registered Disability Savings Plan

Save for the financial security of your loved one.

The Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) is government regulated program designed to enhance the long-term financial security of people with disabilities and to provide “peace of mind” to parents and other contributors that a plan is in place.

Any Canadian resident under the age of 60 and is eligible for the Federal Disability Tax Credit will be eligible for an RDSP.  An account can be established by the legal guardian or Public Agency of the beneficiary.

In cases where the beneficiary is of the age of majority, the beneficiary can also be named account holder.

Registered Disability Savings Plans are federally regulated savings plans designed to provide for the long term financial security for Canadians with disabilities.
In addition to contributions, the added benefit of government grants and bonds combined with tax deferred growth, make RDSP's a very powerful investment tool.
Contributions can be made until the year the beneficiary turns 59 years old.  There is a lifetime contribution maximum of $200,000.  In some cases you may qualify for government grants and/or the Canada Disability Savings Bond program (CDSB) for lower income cases.
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